Hungarian Cup 2001, the Accompanying Competition of the JWOC

The Spartacus Orienteering Club of Eger was applied with the idea of organising an accompanying competition by the JWOC organising committee last summer. The possibilities forming the structure of the contest were evolved during the negotiations. The DTC provided the maps and determined the location and dates adapting well to the world cup programme.

Finally arose the possibility of organising a four-day contest with proper starting-time adaptation to the JWOC programme. Those who would like to follow the events of the word cup have the possibility to compete each day as well as to reach the spot of the JWOC programmes and conversely.

We begin with a normal race on the 11th of July. This will be followed by two days of short distance and again a normal distance on the 14th of July.

We intend to allow separate registration on each day, and we have already sent our request about it to the committee of the competition expecting a favourable answer. Therefore we are not planning to have a time-equalised starting on the last day. We will announce four-day compound results, and the winners of each day will be rewarded separately. Unfortunately the word cup’s programme does not allow us more days to organise.

We are still having negotiations with the operator of the SI system what we intend to use along the competition.

The centre of the Hungarian Cup is going to be on Hollóstetõ. In the Hollóstetõ Camp as well as in the Juvenile Camp timber cabins are provided, but you can also use your own tent. We assure warm eating facilities at both places and certainly operate buffets with wide assortment at the finish area. We can furthermore recommend private accommodation-, camp-site-, and pension facilities on demand. The Hermann Ottó Memorial Park will only be a standby-quarter. According to its lower comfort level and great distance we will only open it provided the two other places have been filled. Besides we recommend accommodations in Miskolc, and also dormitories, hotels and quality camps in Miskolctapolca.

The finish area of each days can be approached on foot. We would like to take the opportunity and ask the competitors to use public transport - for which all kind of support will be given in the form of schedules and frequent bus services - as parking facilities close to the finish area are limited. While there is no substantial difference in altitude and distance between the finish areas and accommodations, we suggest the usage of bicycles.

We have an idea that not everyone will be interested in the JWOC at close quarters. The day before the contest we are going to have a terrain introduction and provide training facilities for those who are inquired. We would like to arrange it in the form of colour-code runs, therefore everybody can find a safe course suitable for his own ability.

We are going to organise marked races on each day especially for children in the finish area and will also operate a nursery for the smaller ones.

We aim to introduce the sights and cultural events of this area with the help of the Tourinform agencies. We would like to make our closer home, Eger, familiar to the competitors coming here, and hope that our wonderful city will appeal to everyone, and you will return.

We would be glad if even more of you could support our youth along the JWOC to be able to celebrate their successes and results together.

This article was published in the
2/2001 issue of the “Tájoló” magazine